March 19th 2020 - Lunch meeting telling us that our office buildings would be closed to the public starting March 25th 2020.
March 20th 2020 - within 24 hours that plan had changed and that today was the last day for my patients to come into the office. We as staff could come in on the following Monday and Tuesday if needed but after that we had to transition to Telehealth or Video in order to do the work.
March 20th, 21st, 22nd, - I spent the next 72 hours non stop working to find simple, inexpensive, safe and HIPAA Compliant ways to set up my home office.
March 23rd- I had work until 4am Sunday/Monday working to make sure my phone, laptop, IPad, my internet everything would sync together. I had been able to get about 4 hours of sleep before starting my therapy practice from home...